In this issue:  Scheduling for the High School I Transcript Deadline I Scheduling TimelineScholarship Bulletin I Steamfitters' Apprenticeship Application I YCAL Opportunities Dollars for ScholarsVirtual College Visits I SAP

Scheduling for the High School
 On Thursday, December 10th, high school counselors and administrators will be hosting a program entitled "Scheduling for the High School".  This virtual program will go over course offerings, career pathways, and how certain classes tie into possible career options.  The program will begin at 6:30 PM, and a recording of the program will be made available for anyone unable to attend live.
Transcript Deadline
January 1st is a common deadline for colleges and universities. As a reminder, students must submit their transcript and letter of recommendation requests five business days before the deadline. Because this date falls while we are on Winter Break, students must make these requests as soon as possible.  
Scheduling Timeline

December 2-9: Teachers provide recommendations for students

December 11 & 14: Student receive scheduling information during homeroom. All students will receive email communication on December 11th

December 14- 18: Students will have access to select course requests through the Sapphire community portal

December 18: The Sapphire community portal for online scheduling closes at 3:00 p.m.

January 19 - February 5: Counselors will review proposed student schedules individually with each student 

*Please note: If a student elects to take a course that is not recommended, an email from a parent/guardian is highly encouraged approving this scheduling change.  

2021-2022 Curriculum Guide
Every month, the SHS Counseling Office will create a scholarship bulletin with a list of scholarship opportunities.
*Click image to view the December Scholarship Bulletin.  
Steamfitters' Apprenticeship for the Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Process Piping and Environmental Systems Fields

Online applications will open Monday, January 4, 2021 at 8:00 a.m.

Online applications will close on Friday, January 15, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. 
Application for Apprenticeship
The York County Alliance for Learning (YCAL) provides students in grades 10-12 with opportunities to explore different careers and network with professionals in those fields.  Participation in these programs increases students' understanding of the unique training, education, and work standards required to successfully pursue a given career path.  These programs are being offered virtually for the Fall 2020 semester.  Details about programs and registration information can be found at https://ycal.us/students/mentoring-program/.

Scholarships will open on January 8, 2021
Scholarship deadline is February 8, 2021
*Click image for more information
Virtual College Visits

As always, SHS is proud to partner with many colleges to offer visits from admissions representatives to provide our students valuable information about different schools. Now, more than ever when on-site visits may not be possible, we encourage students to take advantage of these visits which will be virtual. Students can sign up on Naviance for these visits and attend a meeting through Google Meets/Zoom in the library classroom while meeting social distancing requirements. To date, there are already 30+ colleges which have signed up for these visits offering options on both A- and B-days. For a list of colleges that are scheduled to visit and when please click here.
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is continuing to offer services and assistance to students and their families. There are a variety of interventions and programs available, including counseling assessments through True North, school-based counseling through Pennsylvania Comprehensive Behavioral Health (PCBH), and monitoring and mentoring programs through the school. If you are interested in any of these services, please contact your child's school counselor. 

*Click image for more information and referral form
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Mr. Kevin Molin, Ed. D., Principal
Mrs. Melissa Bell, Ed. D., Assistant Principal, Grades 9 & 11
Mr. James Sterner, Assistant Principal, Grades 10 & 12

3280 Fissels Church Road
Glen Rock, PA 17327
Phone: 717-235-4811 ext 4901
Fax: 717-227-1951

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