The Southern York County School District Foundation Dollars for Scholars application closes on February 8, 2021. This is a hard deadline and there will be no extensions or exceptions.
Attached is the letter detailing the steps to become eligible for scholarships and information about the scholarships awarded last year. There are several important factors to be aware of:
· Students must complete a lengthy profile prior to applying to specific scholarships. If this step has not been started, students should do so as soon as possible.
· When asked to put in their counselor’s name and email, students should use Samantha Whittie (samantha.whittie@sycsd.org).
*Click image to view letter with more information
Junior and Senior Year Opportunities
Virtual Event - February 10th
Join the SHS counselors and Dr. Molin on Wednesday, February 10th at 6 PM for our second Junior and Senior Year Opportunities presentation. This evening event will be focused on AP exams, SAT, ACT, and the ASVAB. The SHS Counselors will discuss the registration process for these exams, important facts, new/recent trends, and additional information related to these tests. A direct link to the event can be found here: https://youtu.be/-uneMBTWsK8. If you have questions that you would like to ask prior to or during the event please feel free to use this Google Form - https://forms.gle/9HsYqC5KivLthANv7 – to submit them, and we will answer them during the program.
The SAT will be hosted at Susquehannock High School on Saturday, March 13th. The registration deadline is February 12, 2021. Interested students should register online through their College Board account.
The ACT will be hosted at Susquehannock High School on Saturday, April 17th. The registration deadline is March 12, 2021. Interested students should register online through their ACT account.
Due to the impact of inclement weather over the past few weeks, the date that students’ course requests will be made available to students and parents/guardians has been delayed. The SHS counselors are still conducting individual scheduling meetings with every 9th-11th grade student. More information will be sent out in the upcoming weeks. If students have not had their scheduling meeting yet, they should regularly check their email for a calendar invite from their school counselor.
Students enrolled in a Spring 2021 AP course should indicate in their myAP account if they're interested in taking the AP exam this May.
All students who have indicated they are taking an AP exam (fall 2020 and spring 2021 classes) will be invoiced in late March/early April. Fee reductions are available to students who receive free/reduced lunch; students should contact their school counselor if they believe they may be eligible for the fee reduction.
Canvas Observer Instructions
Now that the spring semester is underway, we wanted to remind parents/guardians of their ability to monitor their students' academic progress through Canvas. Canvas is the Learning Management System that most SHS students will use to view and submit their classroom assignments for their in-person and digital days. All SHS students are assigned an account and parents are eligible to have an "observer" account which gives them access to view their student's courses, assignments, due dates, etc. It is highly encouraged that parents set up this account. Additionally, this year the SHS Counseling Office also has a page on Canvas which parents can access through an observer account. For more information and instructions on how to create your observer account, please click here. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your student's teachers or school counselor.
Every month, the SHS Counseling Office will create a scholarship bulletin with a list of scholarship opportunities.
*Click image to view the February Scholarship Bulletin.
January Evening Event Recap
On Thursday, January 28th, the SHS counselors hosted an evening event about Junior and Senior Year Opportunites focusing on internships, dual enrollment, pre-apprenticeship programs, and HACC Academy. For those who were unable to join us live, please check out the recorded event on our YouTube page. Students interested in participating in any of these programs should contact their school counselor for more information.
Virtual College Visits
As always, SHS is proud to partner with many colleges to offer visits from admissions representatives to provide our students valuable information about different schools. Now, more than ever when on-site visits may not be possible, we encourage students to take advantage of these visits which will be virtual. Students can sign up on Naviance for these visits and attend a meeting through Google Meets/Zoom in the library classroom while meeting social distancing requirements. To date, there are already 30+ colleges which have signed up for these visits offering options on both A- and B-days. For a list of colleges that are scheduled to visit and when please click here.
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is continuing to offer services and assistance to students and their families. There are a variety of interventions and programs available, including counseling assessments through True North, school-based counseling through Pennsylvania Comprehensive Behavioral Health (PCBH), and monitoring and mentoring programs through the school. If you are interested in any of these services, please contact your child's school counselor.
*Click image for more information and referral form