In this issue:  Dual Enrollment Information Night I ACT Exam I PHEAA Hosting FAFSA Overview Webinars I Wednesday College Series I ASVABScholarship Bulletin I YCAL Opportunities Virtual College Visits I SAP

Dual Enrollment Information Night

The Counseling Department will hold a virtual information night for current 10th and 11th grade students and their families interested in dual enrollment for next school year on Wednesday, March 24th at 6:00 PM. Students who are considering participating in dual enrollment courses through our partnering colleges can get information on the application process, requirements, and scheduling.                 
ACT Exam

The ACT Exam will be given at Susquehannock High School on Saturday, April 17th. Students interested in signing up for this test should register at act.org by March 12th to avoid late registration fees. 
PHEAA Hosting FAFSA Overview Webinars
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) will be hosting two FAFSA Overview webinars to assist students and families with filing the 2021-22 FAFSA. Following the presentation, students and families can speak with an expert and receive one-on-one assistance with any financial aid questions. Please see the attached flyer with more information, including the online registration form. 
FAFSA Webinars - Click to register
Wednesday College Series 
More information will be coming soon! 
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude test that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success both in and out of the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students. Though administered by the military, taking the ASVAB does not require a test-taker to enlist in the military. Susquehannock High School hosts an administration of the ASVAB twice a year. It will be administered on April 13th and April 16th. A google form registration will be available beginning March 5th. 
Every month, the SHS Counseling Office will create a scholarship bulletin with a list of scholarship opportunities.
*Click image to view the March Scholarship Bulletin.  
2020-2021 Spring YCAL Virtual Career Exploration Program Overview
Virtual College Visits

As always, SHS is proud to partner with many colleges to offer visits from admissions representatives to provide our students valuable information about different schools. Now, more than ever when on-site visits may not be possible, we encourage students to take advantage of these visits which will be virtual. Students can sign up on Naviance for these visits and attend a meeting through Google Meets/Zoom in the library classroom while meeting social distancing requirements. To date, there are already 30+ colleges which have signed up for these visits offering options on both A- and B-days. For a list of colleges that are scheduled to visit and when please click here.
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is continuing to offer services and assistance to students and their families. There are a variety of interventions and programs available, including counseling assessments through True North, school-based counseling through Pennsylvania Comprehensive Behavioral Health (PCBH), and monitoring and mentoring programs through the school. If you are interested in any of these services, please contact your child's school counselor. 

*Click image for more information and referral form
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Mr. Kevin Molin, Ed. D., Principal
Mrs. Melissa Bell, Ed. D., Assistant Principal, Grades 9 & 11
Mr. James Sterner, Assistant Principal, Grades 10 & 12

3280 Fissels Church Road
Glen Rock, PA 17327
Phone: 717-235-4811 ext 4901
Fax: 717-227-1951

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