The Graduation Project is a major task that must be completed successfully as part of the students’ graduation requirements. Students are required to work with school counselors and faculty to complete the project. Each year students are required to complete certain tasks as both part of the project and to demonstrate career development as part of the Future Ready Index requirements set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The goal of the project is to assure that students are able to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate career information and communicate their knowledge and understanding of the researched career(s). As a 10th grade student you are required to:

    • Pass the Career Seminar course and complete all of the following requirements
    • Complete the “Career Interest Profiler" inventory.
    • Complete the “Do What You Are" inventory.
    • Complete the “MI Advantage & Learning Style" inventory.
    • Complete the “Strengths Explorer" inventory.
    • Complete the “Values" inventory.
    • Write a joint reflection for all of inventories and upload it to Naviance.
    • Interview a professional and type up a reflection and upload it to Naviance.
    • Build a resume and upload it to Naviance.
    • Create a 10th grade Career Plan and upload it to Naviance.