What is the Chapter 339 Plan?
Pennsylvania requires all school districts to have a K-12 School Counseling Plan as part of Chapter 339. This plan addresses the importance of career planning and how schools must be responsive to labor market projections including the efforts of school counselors to help students explore many different employment pathways to find one that is right for them. Chapter 339 outlines the requirement that Pennsylvania school districts have a plan of comprehensive school counseling services for all students. The plan documents the mission, stakeholders, counselor roles, goals, curriculum and delivery system of the school counseling program. In addition, the plan focuses on career readiness and includes a career plan, portfolio and strategies to engage with the local career and technical center. Read more about the requirements of Chapter 339 on PDE's website.
Why is the Chapter 339 Plan Important?
In accordance with the Southern York County School District’s mission statement, the Chapter 339 Plan will develop a fluid process and reference for the district’s students. Equally, it will aid the district’s school counselors' efforts in helping students focus on academic, career and social/emotional development throughout their elementary and secondary school experience. This working document will help frame efforts toward the Southern York County School District students’ sustained preparation and success in school while preparing them to lead fulfilling, post graduate lives as responsible members of society.
The SYCSD School Board approved Chapter 339 K-12 Counseling Plan can be seen below.
SYCSD Chapter 339 K-12 Counseling Plan 2021-22
Southern York County SD Chapter 339 K-12 Counseling Plan 2021-22.pdf 1.47 MB (Last Modified on March 22, 2022)