AP exam registration is now OPEN! The ordering deadline is 11/1/2021. Regularly scheduled exams will take place between Monday, May 2 and Friday, May 13.
There is a 2 step process to ensure you have an exam ordered for you without incurring a $40 late fee.
1. Complete the paper copy of the 2021-2022 AP TESTING REGISTRATION form OR complete your registration using MySchoolBucks. Printed copies are available in the counseling office and in your AP classrooms. Please be sure to read it over carefully and select the exams you plan to take. If you would like to take an exam not normally offered (i.e. AP English Language and Composition) indicate that on the "Other" line. If you are choosing to pay through MySchoolBucks by using a credit card, a registration form does not need to be turned in at the counseling office. Instead, registration can be completed online through your MySchoolBucks account.
- Click on the following link to access MySchoolBucks.
- Click the blue button that says "Buy Now". This will direct you to log in to your MySchoolBucks account. After logging in you should be at the AP Exam Registration page. *If you don't have a MySchoolBucks account, you will need to create one and then will need to add your student(s) by clicking +Add a Student and put in your child’s/children’s information in order to pay for the registration fees.
- Select the student that you are paying for from the drop down menu and select the checkbox next to the exam that they are taking. Click "Add To Basket" if you need to pay for more than one test and continue adding tests until you have what you need.
- Once you have added all of your test registrations to your basket, click "Buy Now" to pay for the test registration(s).
2. Log into your My AP account at myap.collegeboard.org and indicate YES or NO when asked about ordering an exam for each class you are enrolled in at SHS. If a course you are enrolled in is not listed in your account, please see your teacher IMMEDIATELY for a join code. If you plan to take an exam for a course you are not enrolled in, you need to speak to Mrs. Kate Miklos ASAP in the counseling office. You will need a special code to order an exam.
The registration fee of $40.00 per exam is due by 11/01/2021. The remaining $56.00 per exam is due by Monday, April 25, 2022. You will be invoiced for the balance at a later date.
If you have any questions about using MySchoolBucks please contact Ms. Marie Hart at marie.hart@sycsd.org. If you have any questions about the AP exams please email Mrs. Kate Miklos at kate.miklos@sycsd.org.