In this issue:  Scheduling for the High School I Transcript Deadline I PSAT Scores I Field Experience ReminderDollars for ScholarsStudent Assistance Program (SAP)Upcoming College Visits I YCAL I Monthly Scholarship BulletinCalendar of Events

Scheduling for the High School
On Wednesday, December 15th, high school counselors and administrators will be hosting a program entitled "Scheduling for the High School".  This program will go over course offerings, career pathways, and how certain classes tie into possible career options.  The program will begin at 6:00 PM in the auditorium, and a recording of the program will be made available for anyone unable to attend live.
Transcript Deadline
January 1st is a common deadline for colleges and universities. As a reminder, students must submit their transcript and letter of recommendation requests five business days before the deadline. Because this date falls while we are on Winter Break, students must make these requests as soon as possible.
PSAT Scores 

Students who took the PSAT at SHS will have access to their scores on December 7, 2021 at studentscores.collegeboard.org.
If students provided their email address on their answer sheet on test day, they'll receive an email notifying them of when their scores are available. The email will have a unique code that will connect students to their scores online. If they haven't already done so, they'll be asked to set up a free College Board account before they can view their scores. 
If students didn't provide an email address on their answer sheet on test day, they can still access their scores online. If they haven't already done so, they'll be asked to set up a free College Board account before they can view their scores. 

Field Experience Reminder

Attention Juniors!  You are required to complete two field experiences your junior year to satisfy graduation project requirements.  These field experiences can consist of a college or trade school visit (either in person or virtual), a job shadow, attendance at a career speaker, attendance at the college and career fair (happening March 10th), or a part-time job.  Once you have completed the experience, you will need to write a reflection (found here) and upload it into Naviance.  Both field experiences need to be completed and uploaded by March 16, 2022.  

The Southern York County School District Foundation Dollars for Scholars application is open on January 7, 2022 and closes on February 7, 2022. Students can start to develop their profile now. 

More Information for Dollars for Scholars
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is continuing to offer services and assistance to students and their families. There are a variety of interventions and programs available, including counseling assessments through True North, school-based counseling through Pennsylvania Comprehensive Behavioral Health (PCBH), and monitoring and mentoring programs through the school. If you are interested in any of these services, please contact your child's school counselor. 

*Click image for more information and referral form

As always, SHS is proud to partner with many colleges to offer visits from admissions representatives to provide our students valuable information about different schools. We are resuming in-person visits this school year, but will also be conducting virtual visits as well.

Students can sign up on Naviance for these visits. For a list of colleges that are scheduled to visit and when please click here.
The York County Alliance for Learning (YCAL) provides students in grades 10-12 with opportunities to explore different careers and network with professionals in those fields. Participation in these programs increases students' understanding of the unique training, education, and work standards required to successfully pursue a given career path. Virtual programs from last year's sessions are available. Details about programs and registration information can be found at https://ycal.us/students/mentoring-program/.
Every month, the SHS Counseling Office will create a scholarship bulletin with a list of scholarship opportunities.
*Click image to view the December Scholarship Bulletin.  

*Our events calendar is updated periodically. Please check for updated events. (click image for scheduled events)
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Mr. Kevin Molin, Ed. D., Principal
Mrs. Melissa Bell, Ed. D., Assistant Principal, Grades 9 & 11
Mr. James Sterner, Assistant Principal, Grades 10 & 12

3280 Fissels Church Road
Glen Rock, PA 17327
Phone: 717-235-4811 ext 4901
Fax: 717-227-1951

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