The SHS counselors will begin holding Freshman meetings in mid-November and continue through the month of December. Each ninth grade student will have the opportunity to meet with their counselor, talk about their transition to high school, and begin preliminary post-secondary planning. Ninth grade students should check their school email daily, as meeting dates and times will be communicated by their counselor in that way.
FAFSA Resources Available!
Dollars for Scholars Lunch and Learn
Attention Seniors! The SHS counselors will be holding three Lunch and Learn sessions in the library classroom to help students with their Dollars For Scholars profile. Seniors applying to a trade or technical school, 2 year college, or 4 year college you are strongly encouraged to participate in the Dollars for Scholars scholarship program. The help sessions will be occurring
Tuesday, November 15th (period 4 lunch)
Wednesday, November 16th (period 6 lunch)
Thursday, November 17th (period 8 lunch)
Students applying are highly encouraged to attend and can begin or continue working on their Dollars for Scholars profile. Seniors who release before their lunch period may opt to stay and attend the Lunch and Learn session, and those seniors who arrive after the lunch periods are invited to come to school early. As a reminder, the scholarships themselves are open from January 6, 2023 through February 6, 2023.
Attention 9th Grade Students!
If you are interested in applying for York County School of Technology, please contact your school counselor as soon as possible. Applications for next year are currently open and will close December 2nd. There will be an open house at the school on Thursday, November 10th from 6-8 PM for any interested 9th grade students and their families.
The deadline to order AP exams without a late fee has passed; however, if you or your child would like to order an exam you can notify Mrs. Kate Miklos in the SHS Counseling Office prior to March 15, 2023. A late fee of $40 will be charged in addition to the regular fee of $97 ($145 for AP Seminar.) All remaining payments will be invoiced through MySchoolBucks sometime in March 2023. Final payments are due by April 24, 2023.
Even though the regular ordering deadline has passed, if you believe you may be eligible for AP exam fee assistance, you are encouraged to take a minute to review the benefits for families that qualify for the free/reduced lunch program. By completing the online application and attached sharing form (forms can also be picked up in the SHS Counseling Office), your student becomes eligible for other reduced or free services if your family qualifies. This includes a reduced fee for the AP exams. Below are a few examples of additional benefits that may be available to your student:
College Board- PSAT, SAT, and AP Testing
Free Tests and Feedback
Reduced and/or waived fees
Free College Benefits
Free Tests
Access to Free Prep Tools
Free College Benefits
An online application can be found at (helpful instructions for completing the online application can be referenced HERE.) If you have questions about the application or the free/reduced program please contact Ms. Autumn Armstrong at 717-235-4811 x7222 or The deadline to receive these benefits for AP testing is April 30, 2023.
All AP testing questions can be directed to Mrs. Kate Miklos at
Every month, the SHS Counseling Office will create a scholarship bulletin with a list of scholarship opportunities.
*Click image to view the November Scholarship Bulletin.
The York County Alliance for Learning (YCAL) is still accepting applications for their fall career exploration programs. These programs are held at various sites in the county and allow students an opportunity to learn more about a specific career field, interact with professionals in that field, find out about the education needed for success in that career, see various positions and pathways within that field, and ask questions to help clarify their interest in that career. These programs can also be used by juniors to meet a field experience requirement for the graduation project.
The in-person programs that you still can register for are in Automotive Technology, Media Careers, Accounting, Engineering, CDL, Criminal Justice/Forensics, Respiratory Care, Orthopedics and Medical Administration, and Information Technology. There are also a large number of virtual programs that are in the YCAL library from previous career exploration programs. These can be watched by both students and parents when convenient and also used by juniors for a field experience.
To find out more information about a specific program or to register, please use the following link: Posters describing each program have also been hung in the cafeteria and appear outside of relevant classrooms. If you have any questions, please address them to the counseling office.
The Southern York County School District Foundation Dollars for Scholars application is open on January 6, 2023 and closes on February 6, 2023. Students can start to develop their profile now.
As always, SHS is proud to partner with many colleges to offer visits from admissions representatives to provide our students valuable information about different schools. We are resuming in-person visits this school year, but will also be conducting virtual visits as well.
Students can sign up on Naviance for these visits. For a list of colleges that are scheduled to visit and when please click here.
Click on the image to see the complete list and additions!
Are you interested in playing collegiate sports? The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) determines and oversees academic eligibility to participate at the Division I and II levels. There are specific core courses that a student must choose from at SHS in order to meet the eligibility requirements.
To visit the student-parent NCAA website and set up a FREE profile page or an official certification account, click HERE.
*Interested in a Division III school or currently are not sure in which division you want to compete.
*Transition to a paid Certification account at any time to pursue a Division I or II path.
*No registration fee to create a Profile Page account.
*Must be certified by NCAA Eligibility Center to compete at a Division I or II school.
*Before you take official visits or sign an NLI, you must have a complete Certification account.
*Registration fee: $90
Students and families should make their high school counselor aware they have an interest in competing at the collegiate level ASAP. The SHS school counselors will make sure student-athletes are scheduled for the proper core courses to ensure eligibility status is not jeopardized. For more information concerning eligibility relating to core courses, academic requirements, GPA and test score requirements, and a suggested timeline, please see the PDF below. There are additional resources such as a worksheet/checklist in the files section at the bottom of this page.
Canvas Parent App Instructions
Canvas is the Learning Management System that most SHS students will use to view and submit their classroom assignments for their in-person and digital days. All SHS students are assigned an account and parents are eligible to have an “observer” account which gives them access to view their student’s courses, assignments, due dates, etc. It is highly encouraged that parents set up this account. Additionally, this year the SHS Counseling Office also has a page on Canvas which parents can access through an observer account. For more information and instructions on how to create your observer account, please click here.
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is continuing to offer services and assistance to students and their families. There are a variety of interventions and programs available, including counseling assessments through True North, school-based counseling through Pennsylvania Comprehensive Behavioral Health (PCBH), and monitoring and mentoring programs through the school. If you are interested in any of these services, please contact your child's school counselor.
*Click image for more information and referral form
*Our events calendar is updated periodically. Please check for updated events. (click image for scheduled events)