SYCSD 403(b) Plan
The 403(b) Plan is offered as an opportunity to supplement an employee's retirement program with salary deferrals contributed to a choice of annuity contracts or mutual fund products. Please view the Plan Highlight sheet below and the Participant Enrollment and Web Access Guide for more information. This plan is administered by PenServ Plan Services, Inc.
Related Files
SYCSD 403(b) Enrollment and Web Access Guide, updated April 2022
This enrollment guides shows the 403(b) vendors who are approved. To participate in either type of 403(b) accounts, it is the employee's responsibility to choose a vendor, contact them to set-up an account with the vendor, and complete the on-line enrollment process through PenServ. This guide explains the entire enrollment process. For all transfers and distributions, please contact PenServ Customer Service at 1-800-849-4001.
Universal Availability Notification
2023 Universal Availability Word doc 11.15.23.docx - Accessibility Checked.pdf 143.44 KB (Last Modified on November 20, 2023)