The goal of the School Counseling Program at the elementary schools is to meet students’ needs academically, socially, and personally by providing students with a caring and supportive environment optimal to promote student learning.
The components of the Elementary Counseling Program include preventative classroom counseling, group counseling, individual counseling, crisis intervention, and consultation with parents, teachers, and other professionals.
Throughout the school year, classroom lessons are provided across the grade levels to foster positive self esteem as well as educate students in problem solving skills, personal safety practices, developing mutual respect, bullying prevention, decision making skills, stress management skills and more.
Many students also have the option of participating in a number of different counseling groups, which are offered during the school day. These groups include Rainbows Divorce Groups, Social Skills Groups, Study Skills Groups, Self Esteem Groups, and Grieving Groups, just to name a few. The counselors work closely with teachers to insure that students attend groups during an opportune time when missed class work can be made up easily. The same holds true for individual counseling sessions as well.
Classroom guidance lessons include units on bullying, career awareness, decision-making, friendship, safety awareness, study and listening skills, diversity, and bullying.
Our elementary counselors have an open door policy. Self-referrals can be submitted at any time of the school day. Student issues are always discussed promptly so that students can better focus on meeting with academic success.
Communication between home and school is critical in order to insure that student’s academic, social and personal needs are met. Parents are encouraged to contact the guidance office to discuss ways to meet the needs of their children.
General and specific information about the school's guidance program should be directed to the guidance department at Extension 5521.