Current SHS students must make requests through Naviance. However, a transcript request cannot be made unless an “Authorization To Release Student Records” form has been submitted to the counseling office. Please allow up to five (5) business days to process transcript requests. Transcripts will be sent electronically through Naviance when applicable or through traditional mail if no other means are available.
Steps For Requesting A Transcript For A College/University:
1. Login to Naviance.
2. Click "Colleges I'm Applying To" under Colleges.
3. In the top right, click the blue plus sign to add the college.
4. Type the name of the college you are applying to.
A. Select The Method Used To Apply & Application Deadline/Type
5. Select "Add and Request Transcript".
6. Select "Initial Transcript" on the next page.
7. Select "Request and Finish".Steps For Requesting A Transcript For A Scholarship/Dual Enrollment:
1. Login to Naviance.
2. Click "Colleges" to access a drop down menu.
3. Select "Manage Transcripts".
4. In the top right, click the blue plus sign.
5. Select "Other Transcript".
6. Complete the form.
A. Indicate the type of transcript, what it is for, when it is due, and where to send.
7. Select "Request and Finish".