District Administration

  • The District Administration building is adjacent to Susquehannock High School on the main campus in Glen Rock, in the Thomas R. Hensley District Administration Center.  The building houses general administrative offices, a conference and training center, and technology and maintenance operations.  

    E-mail addresses and/or telephone extensions for Administration building staff can found by using the "Staff Directory" link on the homepage. Or the receptionist will be glad to provide any assistance required.

    Office Hours
    School year - 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mondays through Fridays; Summer hours - 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays. The District is closed on Fridays during the summer. Refer to the school calendar for vacation and holiday schedules.

    Primary Contact Extensions

    Betsy Treadway, Cabinet Secretary for the Office of the Superintendent - Extension 7234
    Kristi Conover, Cabinet Secretary for the Office of the Assistant Superintendent - Extension 7230
    Tia Walker, Cabinet Secretary for the Administrative Services Office - Extension 7278
    Autumn Armstrong, Accounts Payable/Purchasing - Extension 7222
    Lori Wooldrigde, Human Resources - Extension 7205
    Maria Rhoads, Payroll - Extension 7225
    Christina Iwanowicz, Coordinator of Public Communications - Extension 7231
    Office of Special Education - Extension 7229
    Randall Buffington, Facilities/Buildings and Grounds - Extension 7281
    Emigdio Mendez, Safety and Security - Extension 7349
    Rita Shields, Coordinator of Student Transportation - Extension 7232
    Kathleen Hittie, Technology Help Desk - Extension 7262