Staff/Teacher Portal
- Acadience
- Act 48 Registration
- aimswebPlus
- BoardDocs
- Canvas
- Clever Portal
- Cyclical Monitoring Teacher Survey
- Delta Math
- Discovery Education
- District Libraries
- DRC eDirect
- Edgenuity
- Eduplanet 21
- e-Hallpass
- Emergent Tree
- Gizmos
- Gmail
- Grant Funding Approval
- HMH Ed
- i-Ready
- iBusBoss
- IncidentIQ
- LinkIt!
- Maintenance Access Portal
- Microsoft Teams
- My Conference Time
- MySchoolBucks
- Mystery Science
- Naviance
- Newsela
- PA Online Assessment Tutorials
- Password Portal
- Paystub
- Professional Learning Plan
- Raptor
- Report Safety Concerns
- Safety Committee Meeting Minutes
- Sapphire
- Smart Futures
- Social Services
- Special Education
- SpringMath
- Student Assistance Program Referral Form (High School)
- Student Assistance Program Referral Form (Middle School)
- Success For All Foundation
- SYCSD Instructional Materials Approval Form
- The Master Teacher
- VectorSolutions
- Veritime
- Warrior Tech Connect
- Wellspan Employee Assistance Program
SYCSD makes available to teachers the secured, Web-hosted applications listed above. Please note, not all applications are open to all users. To access those specific online district tools for which one is eligible, one must first have received account information and training from the district.
In using a login name and password to access a particular application, the user agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the login name and password as well as the confidentiality of associated student records in strict accordance with the stipulations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the Children's Internet Protection Act, and the school district's Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers, and Network Resources Policy #815.The user also understands that failure to comply with these stipulations for any one of the eligible applications, including the willful and malicious attempt to tamper with the integrity of the application and its associated database(s), could result in the district's denial of access to any and all eligible applications.