Susquehannock High School Building Renovation

  • Effective January 2, 2025, the main entrance facing Fissels Church Road will be open for parent drop-off, student pick-up, visitor entrance, and all other activities during the school day. With the opening of the new entrance, the current entrance at Door 27 will no longer be used as a visitor entrance and will be locked.

    Please note that the following changes will also be in effect on January 2:

    • The morning drop-off route will change. To drop off a Susquehannock High School student, enter the campus from Fissels Church Road using the main entrance by the electronic sign, turn left at the Y, then turn right and drive past the new main office and auditorium for drop-off. (If you also have a Southern Middle School student, please drop that student off first. Middle School drop-off is unchanged.)

    • Afternoon parent pick-up will be located in the same area as morning drop-off. Please follow the directions above.

    • Visitor parking (during the school day) will be in the new parking area closest to the high school office.

    • Evening activities in the gymnasium will use the new main entrance facing Fissels Church Road.

    • Evening auditorium activities will use the new auditorium entrance facing Fissels Church Road.