The Southern York County School District Foundation was organized in 1997 as a charitable organization under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its purpose, then as now, is to provide a means for individuals and businesses to make tax-deductible contributions for projects, equipment, supplies, scholarships, and other purposes that benefit district students. During the first five years of its existence, several projects were pursued and some scholarships were disbursed but were done so on a sporadic basis and as a reaction to welcomed, but unsolicited, donations.
In 2001, the Foundation was reorganized, new and enthusiastic directors were added, and liaisons with district administration were established. The new Board approached the new millennium with passion and a sense of mission committed to making its presence known as a vital and positive force in the Southern York County community.
A unique characteristic of the Foundation, as compared to foundations in many other school districts, is its multifaceted nature. While most school district foundations work only to obtain scholarship funds for the benefit of graduating seniors, we provide additional giving opportunities to support all phases of district operations.
The Southern York County School District Foundation has been awarded the "In Search of Excellence Award" by the Mid Atlantic Consortium of Educational Foundations.
For more information on the SYCSD Foundation, please contact Mrs. Susan Green at susan.green@sycsd.org
Please take this opportunity to learn more about the Southern York County School District Foundation by exploring this site.
Board of Directors: Glenn E. Geiple (President), Jackie Summers (Vice President), Jerry Caslow (Treasurer), Mark Rill (Secretary), Susan Green (Executive Director)
Directors: Sue Barnhart, Jeff Brown, Dr. Robert Bryson, Randall Buffington, Tom Gilbert, Jay Good, Marylee Hall, Don Hedgeland, Deb Lannon, Wayne McCullough, Gail Seitz Prego, Erin Ross, David Tomasic
Student Representatives: Jacob Pizzurro (Junior), Dinah Masafu (Senior)
School District Committee Members: Susan Green, Trevor Carrington, Randall Buffington, and Tia Walker
Local citizens and leaders volunteering their time to create scholarship and project funding to benefit students residing in Southern York County School District.