Safety and Security

    Safety and Security Coordinator

    As the Safety and Security Coordinator for the Southern York County School District, it is imperative that safety and security is at the forefront of decision-making for all stakeholders. On an annual basis, students participate in a range of safety drills and training to address topics such as situational awareness, bullying/cyberbullying, and the process for reporting incidents to staff and administration.  All district staff are required to participate in three hours of safety training on an annual basis that includes the following topics:  Situational Awareness, Trauma-Informed Approaches, Behavioral Health Awareness, Substance Use Awareness, and Recognizing Concerning Behaviors.

    I also serve as the district’s Title IX coordinator.

    Should you have any questions related to the safety and security of our school district, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at or call 717-235-4811 extension 7230.

    Dr. Len Reppert

    Assistant Superintendent

    Safety and Security Coordinator

    School Security

    As School Security, I am committed to working for Southern York County School District and working with local residents, student transportation, Southern Regional Police Department, and emergency services to make our district safe. I also mentor students who need positive role models and promote diversity and acceptance to make our schools more welcoming. If you have questions or concerns regarding our campus or parking violations, please contact me at 235-4811 ext. 7349 or email

    Dio Mendez

    School Security

    Southern York County School District


    School Resource Officer


    School Resource Officers (SROs) are carefully selected, specifically and highly trained, and properly equipped full-time law enforcement officers with sworn law enforcement authority. As the SRO, my goals include providing a safe learning environment within the SYCSD, providing valuable resources to school staff members, fostering positive relationships with youth, developing strategies to resolve problems affecting youth, and protecting all students, so they can reach their fullest potential. Questions or concerns? Please contact me at or 717-235-4811 extension 7361.


    Sgt. Darryl Smuck

    School Resource Officer

    Southern York County School District

    Southern Regional Police Department 


    District-Level Committees
    District Safety Committee
    The District Safety Committee meets once a month to discuss district-wide safety issues. The committee also conducts safety inspections, staff training, and assists in developing new ideas to keep staff and students safe.
    District Emergency Procedures Committee
    The District Emergency Procedures Committee meets regularly to outline the responsibilities and duties of the district and its employees in the development and maintenance of emergency operations plans. Developing, maintaining, and exercising these plans empowers employees in an incident to act quickly and knowledgeably. District emergency operations plans are based on the National Incident Management System and allow for complete integration with first responders and law enforcement through the Incident Command System framework. The committee representatives include employees of the district, local law enforcement, county emergency management, fire departments, and community members.
    District Parent Safety Committee
    The District Parent Safety Committee meets twice a year to present safety-related topics to the parents participating ing the meetings. The purpose of this committee is to report parent feedback regarding safety to the district's Emergency Procedure Committee. the committee representatives include the safety and security coordinator, school resource officer, school security, administrator, and parents.
    Threat Assessment
    The threat assessment policy adopted by Southern York County School Board is available here.