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Cold Weather Bus Stop Safety Tips

With temperatures dropping, it’s important to prepare for colder days at the bus stop. Please check out the tips below to help your student be bus stop-ready during inclement weather.

  • Bundle Up: It’s very important to remember to bundle up during colder months. This can help make time spent at the bus stop more comfortable. Don’t forget coats, scarves, gloves, umbrellas, and hats for protection against weather elements.
  • Layers: Multiple layers of clothing can be helpful. Please remind children to use caution when getting on and off the school bus with extra layers of clothing. We want to take our time, use handrails, and ensure loose clothing is not caught on anything.
  • Bus Stop Arrival Time: Prepare for different weather conditions by arriving five to ten minutes early, just like any other day. This helps to avoid missing the bus and reduces the chances of slipping or falling due to rushing.
  • Extra Steps: Take extra precautions by making sure your child is standing back a few steps from the sidewalk. This will help with visibility for you, your child, and the driver, especially during daylight savings when it may be darker outside during bus pick-up times.
  • Be Patient: It’s important for drivers to take their time during inclement weather. This may cause the bus to run a few minutes late. Please be patient and remember safety is the priority.